2012 ~ Join The Apocalypse! ~ Be excited! Yoda Was Right™ reveals APOCALYPSE Really Means “Lifting Of The Veil” ~ “Revealing of Hidden Or SECRET Knowledge”. it’s an old Greek word that NEVER had anything to do with armageddon.
This is the true definition of apocalypse … This site is what 2012 is really about!!
Decades of study in religions, philosophy, sciences and the ancient mysteries (the foundation and history of most religions), tells s WE ARE THE CREATORS. That is the big “SECRET”. That we have the power to create in a very powerful way; almost anything we choose. Here you will learn the techniques, and experience it for yourself. Specific techniques and examples throughout history and WHY they worked!
We are the creators. … In his / her image … remember?
Our consciousness, with direction, persistence, emotion, and action can create anything. There are no limits. Every great creator in history has used this effectively. If you know one, or are one, then comment here that this is actually how it was done.
Now for the first time, Any SECRET, or Law of / Power of Attraction is explained with science, with clear and effective techniques. No fluffy “think positive”, but how that works, and how to manipulate it.
Martin Luther King is great example of how powerful we really are. He used vision and emotion to create VERY well. …. remember that speech? …. “I have a dream!” He knew how to create, and he knew how to get many people creating together. If you take a look at our current president, I think he succeeded. What do you think? The IDEA he put in creation is a reality.
Now look at your news broadcast today. What thoughts and visions is it putting in your mind to create with. You have complete control of what that information will create in your mind. USE IT WELL! If you have thoughts of fear and hate, and worry, you are still creating. Information can be useful, but not if it controls you to create that which you do not want. Use that information to vision the best change, to see the opportunity to vision and add to the collective to help change it yourself and see the best outcome, and thankful for the opportunity!
Solid Documented Proof that this Works!
(look this up for yourself please)
Many minds together create with more power. In Washington DC there was an experiment done for two months in 1993, adding 4000 meditation practitioners meditating to stop violence. Meditation persons were added over 8 weeks and reduced the percentage in violent crimes by 23%! Again only 4000 people created a safer City! IMAGINE, (think John Lennon ~ Beatles) if we all kept our minds consistently in better vision.
For the technical:
Analysis of 1993 data, controlling for temperature, revealed that there was a highly significant decrease in HRA crimes associated with increases in the size of the group during the Demonstration Project. The maximum decrease was 23.3% when the size of the group was largest during the final week of the project. The statistical probability that this result could reflect chance variation in crime levels was less than 2 in 1 billion (p < .000000002). When a longer baseline is used (1988-1993 data), the maximum decrease was 24.6% during this period (p < .00003).
Institute of Science and Technology of Public Policy: http://istpp.org/crime_prevention/
Also, history provides countless examples: Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, The amazing power of the people behind the USA during WWII. Almost every fortune 500 company got there because they had a board that created in a focused and collective manner. Just ask any wealthy person, the quality of vision that got them there and you will see what they did was not amazing, it was a shift in how they used their mind, with focus, and the motive power is emotion.
Recent Answers:
[1/10/2011 2:06:12 PM] J D Atlas: ~ “This site is about what we really are, and what we can do, we can see the energy (auras), feel it, work with it consciously to create; today we can show the science to back it as well. People will find everything they need for that experience at Yoda Was Right; “luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.”
… people need to know that science has reached the point of explaining faith, and prayer. There are techniques you will learn here that reveal the specifics.”
“Re-creatable, demonstrable experiments that prove we create at many levels, and how”
“At this site everyone will learn to experience this for themselves, not an abstract theory; this site is so you can walk the path for yourself … It is time.”
[1/10/2011 2:07:51 PM] J D Atlas: ~ “Yes, I believe this will stir this nest most thoroughly.”
[1/10/2011 2:09:27 PM] ~ ” … so it is the culmination of religion, philosophy, seeing (auras), feeling the energy, understanding the basic underlying science, and then consciously creating with an understanding of managing every image / frame of that movie of ones mind. We create with that mind / movie regardless to whether we are in control of it, or even paying attention to it. Here you will see how to edit your movie and life as you choose. It starts with basic meditation, attention to the mind and what it is playing.
When you create with conscious control of that movie in your mind; frame by frame, you have an amazing life. Want Proof? You could read Napoleon Hill – who studied the top 500 achievers of his time including Ford, Edison, FDR, and several other presidents and names you know. They all had the SAME formula that involves conscious creation; and science is now showing us how! He used it effectively working from our White House for FDR.
I teach active meditation; being in the moment, and still meditation; as well as techniques to see the energy, feel it directly, and charge yourself with energy. Simple techniques you can use to tread this earth in the moment and with greater creative power and energy.”
Armegeddon – The word Armageddon appears only once in the Greek New Testament. The word may come from Hebrew har məgiddô (הר מגידו), meaning “Mountain of Megiddo”. “Mount” (actually a Tel) Megiddo is a small mount or hill on which ancient forts were built that guarded the main highway, the Via Maris, that connected Ancient Egypt with Mesopotamia. Megiddo was the location of many decisive battles in ancient times (including one in the 15th century BC and one in 609 BC). The town Megiddo in Israel is approximately 25 miles (40 km) west-southwest of the southern tip of the Sea of Galilee (or Lake Tiberias to the Romans) in the Kishon River area. (Courtesy of Wikipedia) See for yourself, it has NOTHING to do with the 2012 Apocalypse.
The defeat of the Antichrist is simply the defeat of those that would use us to create for themselves, suppressing our understanding of how we create.
We will now create what we choose to envision and it will flourish.
Welcome to the apocalypse!
I LOVE YOU ALL, Welcome to the 2012 Apocalypse
J D Atlas